March 4th, 2024: Sketch from CSE2 lounge

February 12th, 2024: Sketch of the view from the PLSE lab facing southeast

February 6th, 2024: View of the I5 bridge on my walk to work. I pass this view every day, and it will always be memorable for me.

November 18th, 2023: Tim and I surfing on the Washington coast

November 18th, 2023: Clamming on the Washington coast

October 16th, 2023: Imaz, Spencer, and I in New York

October 2022: Visiting Drew in Chicago

September 2022: I took this photo while waiting for the ferry to Orcas Island, on my way to run the Moran Constitutional Relay with the CSE department’s running club, Race Condition Running.

September 2022: Photo of me from the Moran Constitutional Relay’s photographer.

September 2022: A smoky Seattle morning giving interesting color to the morning light coming through my kitchen window.

September 2022: I took a trip to see Spencer in Florida! Spencer and I at the beach.

Spencer and I on the Keys.

Sunset from Key Largo.

February 2022: Beibin, myself, and Chien-Yu after skinning to the top of Pineapple Pass

February 2022: Eric skinning up Jim Hill

January 2022: Tim and I in Hawaii!

February 2021: Snow day in Seattle. I take sledding very seriously.

March 15th, 2020: Collin and I on my first surf trip to Westport trip of 2020 (and last, before the coronavirus shutdown!)

February 24th, 2020: Zach, myself, and Luis after my qualifying presentation!

February 7th, 2020: Collin and I matching in almost every way at his apartment-warming party!

January 2020: Maybe the last in-person PLSE beers before coronavirus shutdowns? (Zach’s behind the camera)

December 31st, 2019/January 1st, 2020: Michaela and I in our animal onesies in the aftermath of New Year’s Eve!

October 2019: Halloween 2019 with this band of fools. Poor Olga.

October 2019: We took a trip to Leavenworth to boulder!

This face says, “I climb V1s outside. In jeans”

The real climbers, sizing up real problems. Nick and Christian were the first ones to take us climbing outside; it was awesome to get to go to Leavenworth with them.

Hiking out. Washington is beautiful!

September 2019: I was best man for my lifelong friend Mike.

He regretted asking me once I hit the dancefloor.

While back on the east coast, I visited New York. My friend Brennan put me up, and after driving all the way from Mike’s wedding in Virginia, I was out like a light.

I got to bring Michaela back to PA during this trip! She was thoroughly astounded by Sheetz, as we all are.

The trip back east culminated with Josh and Ciara’s wedding! I love this picture of Tony, Tim, and Collin, from the reception.

Sometime in 2019: My dad and a bird.

September 2019: Michaela took me to Kansas City for her brother’s wedding!

Another great one from the wedding!

August 2019: We had a combined bachelor/bachelorette party for Josh and Ciara in New Jersey! As I was driving my rental car from Philly, Collin called to ask if I’d make it in time for a sundown surf session. I went straight to the beach. I took this photo after our session. One of my favorite memories from 2019!!

Bachelors, partying.

August 17th, 2019: Tim and Amar visited us in Seattle. Took this great picture on the way back to the city from floating on the Snoqualmie.

That same night, we discover we can’t play caps like we used to.

September 9th–14th, 2018: Road tripping to Seattle!

On September 11th, we passed two important American monuments. First, Mount Rushmore…

…and second, Wall Drug.

Saw Devil’s Tower too, of course. Maybe the coolest stop!

We celebrated my arrival with caps, best captured in this drawing.

September 6th, 2018: I took this picture of clouds amassing over the Wyoming Valley just before I moved. I knew I’d miss PA’s summer storms. I wasn’t wrong!

August 2018: Before I moved to Seattle, we took a trip to the woods of north central PA, in the Susquehannock State Forest near Ole Bull.

Another great pic from Susquehannock State Forest.

We also got together in New Jersey!

…and accidentally stayed up until the sunrise on our first night

I made one last stop in New York before moving for good!

May 2018: My Master’s coadvisor Vijay, myself, and former NSF director France Córdova at my graduation from Penn State.